These are just some of the set of promotional images I produced for Evolution Solutions an industry leader in outdoor electrical charging equipment. Built on the foundations of quality work, reliable service and guaranteed pricing Evolution Solutions installs home, workplace and public EV charge points around the North West. 
A few words from Darren Turner - Director of EV Solutions about the shoot:
"We wanted our new website to not just showcase our service (electric vehicle charge point installation), but to really bring it to life and make seem part of life today. To do this we needed a photographer with the right skills, but also someone who was willing to come out on location for a day. That person was Gareth Jones, who came on a road trip with me, covering Manchester, Bury, Rossendale, Blackburn and Accrington, visiting 8 workplace and domestic locations. It wasn’t just about taking pictures, it was also about staging the environment, using props and people to portray the right story"

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